Engage with the community through OLLI at WVU
Free from tests and grades, OLLI is teaching for the fun of it! The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at WVU is seeking volunteer instructors and presenters for its winter 2024 term, which runs January 16 through March 11.
OLLI offers short, non-credit classes, free of grades and tests, designed for older adults in a variety of subjects. Classes and presentations on arts, history, literature, sciences, math, philosophy, health and wellness and more may be lectures, discussions or workshops. They may be scheduled as one to six sessions, typically 90 to 105 minutes in length. They may be delivered in person or on Zoom. OLLI members are engaged, enthusiastic learners from around West Virginia and southern Pennsylvania.
For more information about OLLI and volunteering to teach or present or to submit a course proposal, visit our website. The submission deadline for winter course proposals is Monday, Oct. 2. Contact Jascenna Haislet at olli@hsc.wvu.edu or 304-293-1793 if you have questions or wish to discuss a proposal before submitting.